The Shanghai Saga!

The latest from the one with the pea-brain and the birdsnest for hair

Chloe - Tribe of 1

Chloe - Tribe of 1

Thursday, 13 May 2010

The Dawn of a new era...the ConDem nation

Well, what can I possibly say that will make a reasonable excuse for not blogging for so long? I think I can probably pass it off, firstly, as election fever, and secondly, as post-election malaise. I'm sure we all have it, so I'll try not to dwell.

In fact, for the first time in ages (one week or so)I feeling rather happy. Having just watched Question Time and witnessed the farcical sycophancy of Simon Hughes and Lord Heseltine rubbing each other on the back and the sight of Melanie Phillips (always unpleasant) about to spontaneously combust - there was a shining light at the reaching out to me and all good reds out there - Mhedi Hasan! Goodness me, what a man. Hasan for the leadership! He expressed so well h0w I, and I'm sure loads of other -people are feeling right now. But it could be worse of course. I could have voted Lib Dem and now be squirming around uncomfortably, mesmerised by this unholy union. I think I will enjoy being in opposition, as the only truly viable progressive option. Possibly the best thing to happen to Labour. Possibly. Definitely not the best thing for the nation though, but ho hum.

I will try to shut up about it now, as I have been going on about nothing else for 7 days flat. And I definitely haven't said anything original or insightful or even witty so far.

In other news I have read the God Delusion again and decided to (again) that it is a marvellous book - mind you the dust-cover review on the front of the book's jacket also states that this is Derren Brown's favourite book. So there's no accounting for taste. Actually, I think re-reading this has caused a slight crisis... but I managed to paper over it by watching loads of Attenborough. Now I am getting a nightly fix of Life on Earth and the slightly less angry evolutionary stylings of the lovely Richard. Much more relaxing than what I was doing before - reading actual bits of the bible and getting very scared.

The only other bit of major news is BUNNY BUNNY BUNNY! Yes, we are getting a bunny. A mini lop rabbit, brown with a white tummy. The flat-packed hutch arrived yesterday and I erected it myself! Although Rick did have to go over it again this evening just to make sure that it was structurally sound (it wasn't). So now I have all the hay in the world, a great hutch and the makings of a fabulous bunny kingdom. Bunny arrives on Sunday.

If you want to come round and stroke it please do. Apparently they like nose-fondling! Don't we all.

Well, off I go. More tomorrow!

C xxx

1 comment:

  1. Mhedi Hasan? Or rather MR SMILEY! If you like the idea of being 'led' by a bigot with no comprehension of other peoples views then great.. Just keep him to yourself :-P
